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Project Title: Pacific Rim 3D (Mako with her hand forward in U.I.) What I Did: Stereo-Recompositing with Elements, Cleanplating Character hand to face and body, cleanplating character from BG, cleaning up UI Elements over character, tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke Paint, Nuke Tracking, Framecycler 2. Project Title: Pacific Rim 3D (Jaeger feet walking) What I Did: Stereopaint on debris from feet over BG Tools Utilized: Nuke Paint, Framecycler 3. Project Title: Star Trek: Into Darkness 3D (Battle scene) What I Did: Stereopaint on characters over BG, light flashes, smoke, and debris Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 4. Project Title: Star Trek: Into Darkness 3D (Klingon removing mask) What I Did: Stereo-Recompositing with Elements, Cleanplating Character hands and head over body, character over BG, and particles over BG, & tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 5. Project Title: Jurassic Park 3D (Dino eating leaves) What I Did: Stereo-Recompositing with Elements, Cleanplating dinosaur under leaves from FG trees, & tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 6. Project Title: Mad Max: Fury Road 3D (Characters on truck) What I Did: Cleanplating main character from BG, stereopaint on all characters and FG truck, paint on BG mountain behind flags Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 7. Project Title: Mad Max: Fury Road 3D (Character crawling through sand) What I Did: Cleanplating main character from BG girls, cleanplating FG object in sand from main character, and cleanup for girls over BG Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 8. Project Title: Mad Max: Fury Road 3D (Immortan Joe driving vehicle) What I Did: Cleanplating FG side mirror over vehicle, character to character plates, character to vehicle interior, and vehicle to BG Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 9. Project Title: Mad Max: Fury Road 3D (Character in vehicle with arms dropping down) What I Did: Cleanplating main character from BG interior, color correction, arms internals, chain cleanup, and stereopaint over glow Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 10. Project Title: Mad Max: Fury Road 3D (Max hanging on rear of car) What I Did: Stereopainting for vehicle over Character, and character over bg poles Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 11. Project Title: Mad Max 3D (Truck clipping side of rocks) What I Did: Stereo paint on debris and smoke over vehicle, rocks against boulder, and vehicle over BG Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 12. Project Title: G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (Helicopter firing) What I Did: Stereopaint light flashes and helicopter over BG Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 13. Project Title: G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D (Character running to well) What I Did: Cleanplating character off BG, Stereopaint sparks and debris over BG, and cleanplating and dynamic paint work for FG well over BG and characters, tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 14. Project Title: R.I.P.D. 3D (360 degree shot of police character in burning building) What I Did: Cleanplating MG vertical beams over BG, and stereopaint stair railing over BG Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 15. Project Title: Need for Speed 3D (Two vehicles) What I Did: Cleanplating vehicles over BG, tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 16. Project Title: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 3D (Characters on truck) What I Did: Sterepaint sound waves over BG, Cleanplated street lamps and music notes over BG Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 17. Project Title: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 3D (Patrick the Starfish with ice cream) What I Did: Cleanplating main character over BG and MG tree and plants from BG Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 18. Project Title: Exodus: Gods and Kings 3D (Chariots, horses, and character sinking under water) What I Did: Stereopaint for bubbles, debris, and center screen sword with drapery Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 19. Project Title: Thor: The Dark World 3D (Character with crow on arm) What I Did: Cleanplating main character from BG and crow, color correction on mountain, cleanplating character internals, character to MG characters plates, and tracking plates Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 20. Project Title: Thor: The Dark World 3D (Ancient book opening) What I Did: Cleanplating FG character sillouhuette from book, softening focus on character’s depth of field Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 21. Project Title: Thor: The Dark World (Flying ships over city) What I Did: Stereopaint on ships flying and recreating smoke lines Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 22. Project Title: X-MEN: Days of Future Past 3D (Bullet flying through the air) What I Did: Cleanplating characters over BG, character to character plates, bullet over BG & characters, and tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 23. Project Title: Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (Gamora character running and kicking) What I Did: Cleanplating character off BG, MG railing over BG and character, and character to character cleanup, tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 24. Project Title: Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (Raccoon over panel controls) What I Did: Cleanplating raccon over panel controls, tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 25. Project Title: Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (Flying pods) What I Did: Cleanplating FG and MG pods over background, recreating blue flares on pods, tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 26. Project Title: Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (Floating charactes and debris) What I Did: Cleanplating floating debris and characters over BG, color correction for light rays behind objects and characters, tracking Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 27. Project Title: Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (Characters exiting in from crowd) What I Did: Cleanplating characters off BG, character to character, color correction, tracking, dynamic (frame by frame) paint work Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler 28. Project Title: Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (Blue character with sphere in hand) What I Did: Cleanplating FG character internals under FG hand, character to MG character plates, and BG plates, dynamic cleanplating Tools Utilized: Nuke, Framecycler |